* Jonathan Nichols (2003-07-13 07:15 +0200)
> Wow, Apache 2.x is now unmasked. Cool! But, I don't want it yet. I'm 
> quite happy with 1.3.27 right now.

> Is there an easy way to just skip Apache 2.x and emerge everything else?

The answer to end all answers ;-) ...

Have a look at http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/portage-manual.xml -
"World Update".

If apache is already installed by you manually ("emerge apache") and
not as a dependency, modify /var/cache/edb/world so it has a line like
"<net-www/apache-2". This will ensure that you get updates for the 1.X
branch but no /upgrade/ to 2.X.

If you haven't installed apache yet or it is installed as dependency,
edit /usr/portage/profiles/default-x86-1.4/packages and add or modify

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