Hi Mark,

Nachricht vom Samstag, 12. Juli 2003, 21:50:49:

> The argument seems to go that on a DP machine one processor will
> handle the GUI/OS/drivers and the second processor will handle the
> audio application. However, no one (that I know of anyway) has
> really measured this quantitatively and shown it to be true. (It
> might be to subjective anyway...) Any thoughts?
AFAIK the trick of SMP (Symetric Multi Processing) is that it is
symetric, there is no cpu dedicated to some (OS|Driver|Gui|App) Task.
If thats wrong, please correct me.

> My concern has generally been that every SMP machine I've looked at
> (admittedly not that many) seems to be a generation behind in
> chipsets and memory technology which goes against the goal. If I
> agree to pay more money for a second processor I'd at least like the
> rest of the machine to be equivalent technology.
I guess thats a question of money. What are you missing on


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