On Sat, Jul 12, 2003 at 06:30:38PM +0100, Stroller wrote:
> > To compare performance, you should use similarly configured kernels.
> > Preempt decreases overall performance significantly but also increases
> > interactivity greatly. Things will benchmark slower with it enabled,
> > like you are experiencing.
> I'm sorry - this is really dumb of me to ask: what is "increased
> interactivity" in this context..?

Lower latency with audio applications, smoother response in X, general
elimination of any "jerkiness" when the system is under heavy load.
Generally gives a much better experience when using Gentoo as a desktop
environment, or for multimedia apps. You may get slightly lower framerates
in games, but the game will be consistently smooth and you won't have audio
dropouts even under high load.

Best Regards,

Daniel Robbins
Chief Architect, Gentoo Linux

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