A week or two ago I installed syslog-ng-1.6.0_rc3 because it does some
filtering I require on logs from my firewall & printer, which access it by
port 514.

Previously I had sysklogd-1.4.1 installed, and this had a script in
cron.daily which zipped up & archived all old logfiles. Now that script is
emailing me each day, because it can't find /usr/sbin/syslogd-listfiles;
when I find a version of that, I find it is unsuitable for my system as it
relies on /etc/syslog.conf to tell it which logs to zip.

I guess I have two questions:
- How come it's so hard to zip up all the files in /var/log..? Why are such
  long scripts needed..?
- Why isn't syslog-ng supplied with a suitable cron script to tidy my

Many thanks for everyone's time & patience,


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