On Tue, 29 Jul 2003, Alan wrote:

> > - Why isn't syslog-ng supplied with a suitable cron script to tidy my
> >   logfiles..?
> This would be handled by logrotate, but you still have to come up with
> the config files for it yourself :\  I managed to grab a bunch off my
> debian box, but it'd be nice to see logrotate as a USE variable and
> ebuilds to throw a script in /etc/logrotate.d/ if they see it for things
> like postfix, syslog*, apache, etc.

syslog-ng is much more configurable than sysklogd.  You can, for example,
change the filenames of all the log files to your favorite animals, if you
so desired.  That's in addition to being able to split up what would
normally be one logfile into several, or combine a few, or just discard
certain messages.  I'm sure it's possible to have a default logrotate.d
file for the default syslog-ng file.  This would likely require additional
files to be downloaded from gentoo.  On the other hand, I seem to recall
the default syslog-ng.conf file not having very much in it.

At any rate, you get much greater control at the cost of greater
maintenance.  Once you've figured out exactly what you want in your
syslog-ng.conf file, though, it's fairly easy to write up a syslog-ng file
for logrotate.  I just choose all the options I want to apply to (almost)
all log files, then write up each individual file with any exceptions (ie,
daily instead of weekly).

postfix itself doesn't need a logrotate.d entry.  It logs to syslog, using
mail facility, and ending up (by default) in mail.log.

Don't forget to log kernel messages.  The syslog-ng documentation explains
how to do that (I don't recall offhand, and I'm not on my computer).

And the earth becomes my throne, I adapt to the unknown
Under wandering stars I've grown, by myself but not alone

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