On Friday 15 August 2003 21:27, Ernie Schroder wrote:
> On Friday 15 August 2003 01:40 pm, Bram De Smet wrote:
> > On Fri, 2003-08-15 at 16:31, Zack Gilburd wrote:
> > > On Friday 15 August 2003 05:06 am, Eric Livingston wrote:
> > > > Interesting sentiment. So, if Gentoo were to post on their front
> > > > page that they were full, enthusiastic supporters of terrorism,
> > > > had in fact helped to fund the 9/11 attacks, and were now in the
> > > > process of pulling money together to help fund a nuclear attack
> > > > on NYC, you'd just merrily keep sending them donations because
> > > > the "quality of the software is high"? Strange...
> > >
> > > Did you honestly just say that?  I'm still in shock.
> >
> > More of us are in shock every day when we turn on the news and hear
> > about the terrorist attacks the States commit in a global way and
> > that for several decades. Get over it.
> > I don't think this is to the point anymore.
> >
> > For me this thread can be closed:
> >
> > If you do not know where your money is going and you don't trust the
> > organization you are donating to, don't donate.
> >
> > This goes not only for Gentoo, but for all kinds of organizations.
> This is a great example of why there should be no politics in this
> forum. You have just declared the United States a terrorist country and
> delare the thread closed. Please keep your anti-American politics to
> yourself.

And, in case this huge thread makes the GWN (hey, I could be famous-ish), I 
would like to say as the OP that this ran away from my topic quite quickly.  
I was simply curious if I donated £50, would that go to buying more RAM for 
the web server, some poor persons rent or whatever.  I would be interested 
in, but an by no means asking for; how is it decided?
If there is some poor student sitting there somewhere with very little cash 
because he sits in a helps the Gentoo project instead of getting a job I have 
no problem in him using my £50 to get himself a drink or whatever.  Whilst I 
care where my money would go, I was more curious about how it was decided and 
what sort of things they went on.

Also, I get the feeling that people are too damn stressed over this.  Not that 
I would suggest the OP should control the thread, but relax people.  Can we 
kill the thread now?

ps, if I send a donation specifically marked "alcohol for devels", will that 
work? ;-)

Tom Wesley

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