On Fri, 2003-08-15 at 18:13, Eric Livingston wrote:

> I see, so you won't buy MS products because they support Bush, but you'll
> happily donate to Gentoo even though they could also be supporting Bush? You
> are being completely inconsistent.

No. It was a question. Anyway I can't see Gentoo supporting anybody but
programmers, since Gentoo isn't really profitable.

> A.) You'll donate to Gentoo because they have a product you like, and don't
> care where the money goes
> B.) You won't buy anything from Microsoft because your money would support
> Bush, no matter what products they have.

a) Do you really not understand a question when one is presented or b)
are you just trolling?

> So which is it? Do you or do you not care how your money is being used? If
> product quality is everything, then why talk about who MS supports: it
> shouldn't matter to you at all!

Yes that would be b, you're just trolling. Find something better to do.
I for one will not be feeding this bullshit any longer.

When I said "As long as the software is free and the quality of the
software high, I'm willing to donate money to show my support."

what I didn't say was "As long as the software is proprietary and the
quality of the software high, I'm willing to but the software to show my

So, I'm supporting the (further) development of Gentoo. I've gotten an
explanation about the use of the donated money, and I'm happy with that.
I've got no need to doubt the thing I've been told (in this list) by
persons who know what they are talking about.


"So act that your principle of action might safely be made a law for
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