On Fri, 2003-08-15 at 16:31, Zack Gilburd wrote:
> On Friday 15 August 2003 05:06 am, Eric Livingston wrote:
> > Interesting sentiment. So, if Gentoo were to post on their front page that
> > they were full, enthusiastic supporters of terrorism, had in fact helped to
> > fund the 9/11 attacks, and were now in the process of pulling money
> > together to help fund a nuclear attack on NYC, you'd just merrily keep
> > sending them donations because the "quality of the software is high"?
> > Strange...
> Did you honestly just say that?  I'm still in shock.

More of us are in shock every day when we turn on the news and hear
about the terrorist attacks the States commit in a global way and that
for several decades. Get over it.
I don't think this is to the point anymore.

For me this thread can be closed:

If you do not know where your money is going and you don't trust the
organization you are donating to, don't donate.

This goes not only for Gentoo, but for all kinds of organizations.

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