On Thu, Aug 21, 2003 at 04:54:45PM +0900, Jason Stubbs wrote:
> On Thursday 21 August 2003 11:16, oleander wrote:
> > it's kind of silly but you could do:
> >
> > % sg cron -c 'crontab -e'
> >
> > from the current shell after being added to cron group. that prevents a
> > logout at least. or "newgrp cron", too.
> Yep, that works. It's more of a workaround though.
> Can anybody offer an explanation as to why do/should modifications to 
> /etc/group only take effect at logon?

   Because the owner and group ids are associated with a particular process
when it's created, and normally aren't changed after that.  Each process
maintains a copy of what permissions it has, and passes those permissions
on to any other process it creates.  You don't want every process having to
check the /etc/group file every time anything happens, do you?  This way,
only the login process really has to check the file for permissions.

   Basically, the /etc/group file is not some magic file that every program
reads.  Only programs that are explicitly written to read it do so, and
/bin/login is one of those.  Everything else just takes the permissions
handed to it.  And since only a process with superuser access can increase
its own permissions...  an unprivileged user can't do anything except call
a setuid program like newgrp to add groups to a currently running process.

   However, from the newgrp man page:

     newgrp  is  used to change the current group ID during a login session.
     If the optional - flag is given, the user's environment will be  reini-
     tialized  as though the user had logged in, otherwise the current envi-
     ronment, including current working directory, remains unchanged.

   So just 'newgrp -' will work as a sort of re-login.

Bryan Feir           VA3GBF|"Advertising may be described as the science of
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