On Friday 22 August 2003 02:25, Condon Thomas A KPWA wrote:
> > I never really have used cron but lately i have been trying to.  I
> > was trying to get it to check my email hourly by putting an entry
> > into the cron.hourly directory.  Well suffice to say it did not work.
> I'm just curious.  Most email clients have a switch to check the email
> every so often, and you can set it to any length you want.  Of course, the
> process has to be running.  With cron it will start the email client to
> perform the check then close it (I assume), so you don't have it running
> all the time. With memory and swap space so cheap, though, I'd think that
> would be the easy solution.

I think he's talking about using fetchmail like many people do. I hate having 
to wait for mail to download (especially when connected via dial-up) so use 
fetchmail with cron to do it in the background. When I open my mail client, I 
tell it to get mail from /var/spool/mail/jason and, presto, it's there. Even 
more importantly, I'm using spamassassin which is somewhat slow (again 
especially when connected via dial-up) so I don't have to wait for that 


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