
Thanks for your reply! 
> > Look, you DON'T want to play with NPTL if you are still struggling to
> > meet dependencies.
> > 
> > The ebuild gave you enough info for you to go off on your own and
> > satisfy what it was asking for by manually unmasking some stuff,
> > slotting it appropriately if it isn't already, etc etc etc.

Ok, I'm a newbie in Gentoo. Right. I don't know how work the 
ebuild process, and AFAIK there is no document explaining how it
works in all extend. That's what I'm missing. 

> > To play with glibc, you MUST be proficient in all-of-the-above,
> > including portage, compilers, the kernel, patching (you must patch
> > your 2.6 kernel), etc etc. You've demonstrated that you are not.

A stupid question? How Does someone become proficient? 
Don't you thing that at a given point, he has to give a try? 
And make mistakes? And learn from that mistakes?
Until he slowly performs better and better. And utimatively 
become "proficient"? 

Don't you think that "Every Guru was first a beginner"? 

(I don't know if you ever learn a foreign language for instance. 
But if you want to master another language, that's definitively 
the way to proceed).

> > Start smaller.

I choose to try Gentoo for 2 reasons:

1- First, I want to evaluate this distro for business proposes
(which means among other things, getting a stable OS version etc.)
So, for this case, yes I definitively agree with you. Actually, I built
a version using much of the "stable" released offered by Gentoo 
(Ok, I "just" put some optimization flags in the CFLAGS to improve 
the code on the machine I'm running). 

2- Second, I want to evaluate Gentoo for "hacker" purposes 
(i.e. my private use). It's clear that I'm willing to try every "dangerous" 
things. I don't see why I shouldn't? 

And if you are interested about my motivation. That's more just than just
"Yeah, I'm running the BEST technology on the earth" 
(I feel such claims just sooo *stupid*) 

First I need NPTL to answer the questions related to this implementation
on c.p.t. Second, I'm bored of LinuxThreads, because I master it  
(as 'simple' user + internal). Third, I have fun in learning new things. 
And forth - I will probably get flammed for this one - Linux is _not_ 
the BEST Unix technology available on the market... But, fact is that 
I'm  *LOVING* this OS.

Are you saying that I'm simply just too stupid to use Gentoo and that
I should switch to RH instead? Which could be, everyone has a
 limit after all!

Or maybe it's not the right mailing list to discuss such a topic like 
NPTL v0.55 ???


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