At 05 September, 2003 Ernie Schroder wrote:
> OK so I've been burned and am finally doing regular backups. There are 
> 6 boxes on the home LAN here and I had a 5 port 10/100 hub and a 10 
> Base 8 port hub so at best 2 machines were stuck at a slower 
> connection. This didn't bother me much because there was never a 
> great deal of large files being passed. I just used the 8 port hub 
> cause the puppy chewed one of my patch cords.
>       This morning I went out and got a shiny new 10 port 10/100 switch. 
> So, after hooking it up, I did an scp of a stage-3 tarball from 1 
> gentoo box to the other Throughput was 656 kb/sec,virtually the same 
> as with the10 Base hub. I restarted net.eth0 on both boxes and tried 
> again. This time, the throughput was 971 kb/sec or about 1.5 times as 
> fast. Should I expect more? both machines have 10/100 nics and the 
> switch shows connection at 100 Base. The boxes are both connected to 
> the hub with 6 foot cat5e patch cords. Is there some configuration 
> I'm missing do I need to reboot? :-( What kind of throughput do 
> others see on a similar setup?

If you're using SCP, then the machine's processing speed may be the
bottleneck -- SCP introduces a *lot* of overhead for encryption and
compression (regardless of whether the data is already compressed).

You may want to try setting up an unencrypted connection -- rcp or http?
to see what the actual capacity is like.

Andrew Farmer

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