I just recently looked over the new 1.4 install instructions, very nice
job by the way. I noticed that hotplug is used by default in the install
now.  I have never used hotplug but it seems interesting, if I
understand correctly I can build my kernel as usual, enable the modules
that I want/need make the kernel and set hotplug to run in the default
runtime and have hotplug load all the modules that I need when I need
them without me having to put them in /etc/modules.autoload (BTW when
did /etc/modules.autoload.d/kernel-version replace
/etc/modules.autoload...I just realized this today.)?  I know that was a
long sentence but I'm trying to understand hotplug and it sounds really
interesting.  If someone could correct me or clarify that what I think
is true then I definitely have some kernel rebuilding in my near
future.  Thanks

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