On Wed, 24 Sep 2003, Mark Knecht wrote:

> > So, where is Alsa in this kernel?
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Mark
> Question to myself, is Alsa really *not* in the 2.6 kernel until I emerge
> Alsa?
> If so, how do I emerge Alsa for this kernel tree without upsetting my other
> kernel trees? Just run emerge alsa-XXX which raises the questions that were
> asked earlier in this thread. I be con-fu-zed...

Alsa is part of the 2.6 kernel.  You don't need alsa-driver anymore,
although you do need alsa-utils for alsactl and alsamixer.  Looking
through portage, as of the most recent ebuild, alsa-utils-0.9.6-r1 (~x86),
the init script is moved from alsa-driver to alsa-utils.

Marshal Newrock, unemployed Linux user in Lansing, MI
Caution: Product will be hot after heating

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