On Mon, Sep 29, 2003 at 12:14:10PM -0700, Jeff Greene wrote:
> Alright, I give up. I need help from you guys. I
> cannot figure out how a mail system works on Linux,
> specifically for my setup.
> I have a DSL connection and all I want is to be able
> to send mails through the command line. For instance,
> % cat mymessage | mutt -s 'Hey' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> I don't want to set up a SMTP server on my computer
> (maybe later). Rather, I want to hand off my mail to
> the SMTP server provided by my school. They use SMTP
> authentication, I believe, and STARTTLS for SSL
> sessions, if that means something to someone.

You could use nbsmtp (emerge nbsmtp), and configure mutt to use it to
talk your ISP's smtp server.  Setting this up is described in detail
in http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/guide-to-mutt.xml.

For the impatient:

1) emerge nbsmtp
2) add the following line to your ~/.muttrc file.

   set sendmail="/usr/bin/nbsmtp -d <your domain> -h <your smtp server> -f <from 

  (With the appropriate substitutions.)

- PK

> Can someone give me a step-by-step on what I need and
> how to set this up. I have nail and mutt emerged and
> ssmtp emerged also. I'm not really sure how to put the
> two together.
> --Jeff
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