Hi Hall,

Thanks for your advice.

At 10:56 AM 10/13/2003, you wrote:

# emerge -k kde

# emerge -k xfree

As I understand gentoo and emerge (been using it less than a week), the "-k" will get pre-compiled packages and will NOT compile them.

Whether I should remove "-k"

# emerge xfree

will download, compile and install the package.


The download time was quick (I have a 3MB broadband connection, single user) but installation each took more than 2 hours respectively without completion compelling me to reboot the PC with Crtl+Alt+Del.

Assuming it really was compiling KDE and XFREE, I think you're in for a much longer wait than the short 2 hours you gave it. The Gentoo Linux Desktop Configuration Guide says this about xfree:

The emerge/install process of X will take awhile on even a quick system. The system is quite
large, so be prepared to read a book, take a nap, etc.
After this rather length process is completed, configuration will begin.

For the KDE part, it says:

Have a nice nap!

Regards Hall

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