On Saturday 18 October 2003 05:50 pm, Stephane Brossier wrote:
> Hi Ciaran,
> See comments below.
> From: Ciaran McCreesh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject: Re: [gentoo-user] Missing /dev/sda* entries ???
> >Date: Sat, 18 Oct 2003 20:43:25 +0100
> >
> >On Sat, 18 Oct 2003 19:33:28 +0000 "Stephane Brossier"
> >
> ><[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >| I am trying to configure the usb port to be able
> >| to download the pictures from my digital camera.
> >|
> >| I have been looking at the USB Digital Camera HOWTO,
> >| but the assumption is that the devices /dev/sda*
> >| already exist.
> >
> >Does dmesg show any new USB devices when you attach your camera?
> I think I am not there yet. I did not try to attach my camera.
> I was just trying to do the configuration part berfore that:
> 1./sbin/modprobe usb-storage
> -> step 1 went OK.
> 2. mount -t vfat /dev/sda1 /mnt/camera
> -> step 2 did not work obviously because I don't have
> the device /dev/sda1...
> 3. /etc/rc.d/init.d/usb start
> 4. mv /mnt/camera/dcim/100msdcf/*.jpg picture/$DIRPATH;
> >Do you
> >have the appropriate *HCI, USB storage, SCSI generic (needed by
> > some but not all cameras) and SCSI disk modules / built-ins and
> > are they definitely modprobed?
> What is "*HCI" Do I need that?
> Below are the list of modules which are loaded:
> bash-2.05b# lsmod
> Module                  Size  Used by    Tainted: P
> usb-storage            22264   0  (unused)
> sd_mod                 11020   0  (autoclean) (unused)
> scsi_mod               89268   1  (autoclean) [usb-storage sd_mod]
> vpnmod                187808  -1  (unused)
> prism2_pci             57008   1  (autoclean)
> p80211                 17036   1  [prism2_pci]
> usbcore                56000   1  [usb-storage]
> Do you see anything new in /dev/discs/?
> Not much...
> bash-2.05b# find /dev/discs/ -print
> /dev/discs/
> /dev/discs/disc0
> /dev/discs/disc1
> Thanks for your reply.
> S
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And you won't have a /dev/sda* until you plug in the camera. Plug in 
the camera and do:
fdisk -l /dev/sd and hit the tab key a couple of times. You should see 
sda1 or maybe sdb1 If you do, do:
# mkdir /mnt/digicam and then:
# mount -t vfat /dev/sda1 /mnt/digicam
(or substitute what ever you found from fdisk -l for sda1)
Let us know how you make out
Regards, Ernie
100% Microsoft and Intel free

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