On Wed, 2003-10-22 at 05:50, Sigurd Stordal wrote:
> >         Resolving ftp.jedsoft.org... failed: Host not found.
> I've got that kind of problem too. Then it was one of the gateways on my net 
> that had shut down, and my machine was not able to contact the dns server. It 
> looks like thats the problem here too. If you're on a big net (I'm on a 
> university net) and have no power over the gateway or DNS servers, maybe you 
> just have to wait and it will work out. If you have your own private net, and 
> this machine is on this net, then check your own gateway and see if your 
> iptables -t nat shows the masquerading option. (Have my own little private 
> net, and when my gateway didn't have the masquerading in then I got the same 
> kind of errors you get).
> So good luck.

Thanks for everyone's help.

As it turns out...  The problem was resolved by bring up a browser, and
going to http://www.jedsoft.org, following the links to the slang
download which turns out to be at :

So, it was just a case of the ebuild needed to have an updated SRC_URI. 
As soon as I make that change, it downloads and installs no problems.

So I _think_ that the new computer's networking is "all good."  But
unlike other times when I've installed gentoo from stage 1, this install
seems to be stopping every third, every other ebuild because the
download src's are not found (404's are returned from wget).

Current example : 

cdimage / # emerge system
Calculating system dependencies ...done!
>>> emerge (1 of 35) net-misc/wget-1.8.2-r2 to /
>>> Downloading
Resolving www.biscom.net... done.
Connecting to www.biscom.net[]:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found
08:40:15 ERROR 404: Not Found.

!!! Couldn't download wget-new-percentage-cvs-20011209.tar.gz. Aborting.

[end example]

But.. if I do 'wget -O - -q http://www.biscom.net' I get the html for
that webpage no problems.

So now the procedure has been : hunt around for the download file on
line, change the ebuild and continue.  

Since I've installed gentoo from stage 1 several times on lots of
different machines and in every case, its been 'emerge system' (wait)
done!.  This time, I'm tweaking things to move from ebuild 3 of 87 to 5
of 87 etc.  So my thinking is: I've missing something.

I'm going to 'emerge sync', then 'emerge portage' to make sure that I've
got everything as up-to-date as I can, and see how it goes.

Thanks again for everyone's help!


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