---------- quoting Adrian Pirciu ----------
> I have a pretty slow computer, p3/700, and i can use a P4 to compile
> my packages. Given that on the P4 there's gentoo installed, how can I
> compile the packages I need on the P4 then merge them on my gentoo on
> P3 ? There must an easy way to do this.

I would suggest you look at:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] haim $ emerge search distcc
[ Results for search key : distcc ]
[ Applications found : 2 ]

*  sec-policy/selinux-distcc
      Latest version available: 20030728
      Latest version installed: [ Not Installed ]
      Size of downloaded files: 0 kB
      Homepage:    http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/hardened/
      Description: SELinux policy for distcc

*  sys-devel/distcc
      Latest version available: 2.9
      Latest version installed: [ Not Installed ]
      Size of downloaded files: 231 kB
      Homepage:    http://distcc.samba.org/
      Description: a program to distribute compilation of C code across 
several machines on a network


                -- Homer Simpson
                   The Springfield Connection

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