Alma J Wetzker wrote:

from the : Gentoo Linux Desktop configuration Guide:

Configuring KDM

nano -w /rc.conf

#whay display manager do you use? [ xdm | gdm | kdm ]
save (^O) and exit nano.

#rc-update add xdm default
Now you will be in the graphical login when you reboot. Provided of course if you have X and kde installed. If you are going to use gnome you can change the kdm to gdm. Now for sound:)

go and read up on alsa configuration:

That should get your sound going. Remeber to have sound and the driver for sblive set as modules when you compile your kernel. You have to emerge alsa-driver after every kernel build.


Ted Ozolins(VE7TVO)
Westbank, B. C

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