i've been trying to get hardware graphics acceleration working.
i've read the dox & looked at the more obvious things (i hope).
my graphics card is 'GeForce4 MX440 w AGP 8x'.

first, i tried using Gentoo's emerges 'nvidia-kernel' & 'nvidia-glx';
in XF86Config, i commented 'load "dri"' & changed to 'Driver "nvidia"';
i also did 'opengl-update nvidia' & 'modprobe nvidia'.
'startx' started KDE, but once started it became very slow, then stopped.

second, i tried using Nvidia's own 'run' file; X wouldn't start at all.

 3  things seem to be wrong.
(1) the Gentoo approach doesn't create the correct libs:
there's a list in the Nvidia README & most of them aren't where they sb:
eg  /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/extensions/libglx.so.x.y.z  is missing
&  ditto/libglx.so -> /usr/lib/opengl/nvidia/extensions/libglx.so ,
not to  ditto/libglx.so.x.y.z , as the Nvidia doc says it shd;
similarly for  /usr/lib/libGL.so.x.y.z  &  ditto/libGLcore.ditto .
they are correctly in place after the Nvidia 'run' file is used.

(2) the Nvidia README says installation shd create files in  /dev ,
ie  nvidia0 1 2 3 ctl , which weren't there with either method of install'n.

(3)  /var/log/XFree86.0.log  says "module(s) glx/nvidia compiled for 4.0.2",
whereas all the other modules loaded were compiled for 4.3.0 .
back with my usual working system (software acceler'n),
modules 'glx' & 'nv' are compiled for 4.3.0 .
the log does claim that "AGP 8x was successfully initialised".

problem (1) seems to be with Gentoo's ebuilds;
(2) mb with something like devfs, which i've never had to look into;
(3) may mean i need to compile the modules specially myself:
i've never compiled a kernel or module explicitly
(Nvidia's 'run' compiled the interface this time),
but i'm always willing to learn to do new things.

any suggestions wb most gratefully received.

SUPPORT     ___________//___,  Philip Webb : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
ELECTRIC   /] [] [] [] [] []|  Centre for Urban & Community Studies
TRANSIT    `-O----------O---'  University of Toronto

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