If I remember correctly not all the alsa-1.0.x are masked so they dont' show up as needing replacement.

Another thing we can do is emerge -UD world where U says do not downgrade or it's not supposed to (I hadn't thought of that before). Another option is emerge -i alsa-driver-0.98.ebuild which will fool portage into thinking it's merged and then it will hush. Until Alsa releases 1.0 I don't think it will be fixed.

What I do is emerge -uD world -p | more and see what needs to be upgraded that is not Alsa and I want to upgrade.

Let me look at it some more this evening in detail. I've just ignored it because my priority was getting Alsa and Winex working. Now it's time for cleanup <G>.

On Thu, 11 Dec 2003 08:49:30 -0800 "Mark Knecht" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Because the driver is not unmasked. Just ignore emerge.
It really wants to downgrade since the unmasked version
is lower. I'm seeing it too every time I do a emerge -uD
world -p so I ignore it. You can fix it by editing the
ebuild and taking the ~x86 out of the KEYWORDS entry.

Your response has all the words I expected to see, but somehow it's not
registering in my feeble brain. I assume that all of the Alsa-1.0.0rc2 set
of packages are masked. I have all of those packages installed. Why does
emerge only mention alsa-driver-0.9.8? Why doesn't it do the same thing for
alsa-tools, alsa-utils, etc?

Also, what do you mean 'so I ignore it'. I've been ignoring it for a few
days thinking that some emerge sync operation would fix it, but it hasn't.
My method of ignoring it is to explicitly type in package names (i.e.
emerge -U package1 package2 package3) instead of removing the 'p' from
emerge -Up world. What is it you do to get around this? Edit all the rc2

I just didn't want the system to emerge 0.9.8 over the top of 1.0.0rc2,
which I expect it will do...

Thanks very much for the response.


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