i bet most of that isn't relly being used, linux does funny things with memory, it's relly cache/buffered stuff.

On Wed, 2004-01-07 at 23:29, Eamon Caddigan wrote:
Sorry if this is a trivial question...

But I recently upgraded my RAM (from 245 MB to 768 MB), and because of
this, I've been paying close attention to my memory usage. I was pretty
surprised to see that I'm still hitting swap after running a couple
simple apps in X. 

ps shows that none of the currently running processes are using a
significant percentage of my RAM. Logging out and back in doesn't help.
I can only guess that the kernel is using all this memory -- can anyone
recommend a tool to watch kernel memory usage, or any possible fixes for
this? I can't believe I'm using more physical memory now than I
previously had in physical and swap together!


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