On Wed, 2004-01-07 at 21:29, Eamon Caddigan wrote:
> Sorry if this is a trivial question...
> But I recently upgraded my RAM (from 245 MB to 768 MB), and because of
> this, I've been paying close attention to my memory usage. I was pretty
> surprised to see that I'm still hitting swap after running a couple
> simple apps in X. 
> ps shows that none of the currently running processes are using a
> significant percentage of my RAM. Logging out and back in doesn't help.
> I can only guess that the kernel is using all this memory -- can anyone
> recommend a tool to watch kernel memory usage, or any possible fixes for
> this? I can't believe I'm using more physical memory now than I
> previously had in physical and swap together!
> -Eamon

It's probably not the kernel per-se, but the filesystem's buffer cache. 
Run "free" and look in the "cached" column.  The fs buffer cache will
use as much memory as you have.  You will still hit swap occasionally,
but generally, buffers should be purged from the cache to allow other
processes access to physical memory when needed.


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