
On Saturday 31 January 2004 20:30, Jerry McBride wrote:
> Is anyone takling suggestions for Gentoo improvements???
> A few I would like to see... in order...
> 1-PROGRESS BARS... man-o-man would I love a progress bar during an emerge
> update, instead of all the text that gets listed to console. And "updating
> portage cache"... WOW. That's a real friendly, informative screen update.
> :') Maybe just expanding the existing -quiet switch in emerge would be
> better?

how do you want to guess the time a package needs to compile? Like others 
that, a progress bar, that is hanging at 99% for ages is simple annoying. 
Additionally, I hate progress bars, if I could have real information instead,
Progressbars are useless eye-candy. No, they are worse. They are sucking away 
a lot of CPU power and deliver no information at all, while hiding pretty 
good information.

> 2-HIDE THE GARBAGE... Do we really need to have ALL the compiler and emerge
> updated logged to the screen? See PROGRESS BARS above.

Well, I had some severe problems the last days with X, glibc and others (nptl 
related, big downgrade and recompile time, wohooo plus a mulish X emerge, 
dying again and again). And this 'garbage' becomes realy useful, if you want 
to circumvent (or simply find!) the error that is holding you back for hours.

> 3-STARTUP SCRIPTS... Yup, Gentoo is beautiful. I use it all the time, on
> maybe a dozen computers of various architecture and brand. But I really
> have issue with the manner of organizing the system startup scripts. Could
> we please, use something more granular, more static? Like the good, old
> fashion SystemV stuff that they used in Caldera Open Linux? KDE ships with
> a SysV editor that would be a PERFECT match for something like this. I'm so
> tired of booting the laptops at work and wating for the "CACHING" to
> complete... If nothing else is done, please see PROGRESS BARS above.

*barf* I was sooo happy when I left this SysV madness, the time I switched 
from SuSE to Slackware. And even today I feel a little dirty after I had 
messing around with this (SysV style Init) crap. You have not suffered 
enough, if you like it. Gentoos way is great. Easy even for beginners (the 
startup part, not installation).

> 4-DEVFS is a horrible beast... Have odd hardware? Have odd drivers? You
> gotta' edit the devfs config file... Blah... Please go back to using a
> static /dev directory like Linus intended. :') It's one of the FIRST things
> I remove from my Gentoo installs and it's soooo much better.

devfs IS a horrible beast, but it is working fine for me (scsi controller, ide 
controller, scanner, tape drive, harddisks, flash sticks, cdroms) and the 
configuration of my system is always changing. In this very moment, no 
additional controller and only one harddisk is installed. But maybe I do a 
tape backup day tomorrow, that could change that dramatically. devfs was 
always able to deal with that, so I do not have any reason to complain (or 

> Anyone willing to work/collaborate with me on implementing suggestion 3?

I hope not. That would be like replacing every i686 and above out there with 
an 8088.
The 8088 is well documented, too, but an outdated beast nonetheless. 

> Do we really need dependencies in the startup scripts???

Hell, yeah! This alone is a killer-feature.

Glück Auf

who got lost several time in SysV init madness, liked slackwares style and 
loves gentoos startup scripts.

 In a straight-up fight, the Empire squashes the Federation like a bug. Even 
with its numerical advantage removed, the Empire would still squash the 
Federation like a bug. Accept it. -Michael Wong

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