On Saturday 31 January 2004 05:09 pm, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
> On Sat, 31 Jan 2004 14:30:22 -0500 Jerry McBride <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> | 1-PROGRESS BARS... man-o-man would I love a progress bar during an
> | emerge update, instead of all the text that gets listed to console.
> | And "updating portage cache"... WOW. That's a real friendly,
> | informative screen update. :') Maybe just expanding the existing
> | -quiet switch in emerge would be better?
> Come up with some code that works reliably. Submit a bug with it.

If I could code that good, I'd be on the Gentoo Team... Making waves, for 
sure, but I'd be there. As it is, I can only submit request for comments.

> | 2-HIDE THE GARBAGE... Do we really need to have ALL the compiler and
> | emerge updated logged to the screen? See PROGRESS BARS above.
> *shrug* if you don't like it, redirect the output somewhere else.

The point is... the output should already be goping somewhere other than the 
console. Isn't there an easy way to stifle the compiler output or redirect 
stdout to a logfile with a command line switch? Most apps that I use have no 
output as the default. And if you want more you simply toss a switch in the 
mix like: -v. In this requard, I consider emerge to be operating backwards 
from normally accepted practices. 

> | 3-STARTUP SCRIPTS... Yup, Gentoo is beautiful. I use it all the time,
> | on maybe a dozen computers of various architecture and brand. But I
> | really have issue with the manner of organizing the system startup
> | scripts. Could we please, use something more granular, more static?
> | Like the good, old fashion SystemV stuff that they used in Caldera
> | Open Linux? KDE ships with a SysV editor that would be a PERFECT match
> | for something like this. I'm so tired of booting the laptops at work
> | and wating for the "CACHING" to complete... If nothing else is done,
> | please see PROGRESS BARS above.
> Youch. You want to abandon something that was designed to get around all
> the problems with SysV init and go back to something with all the
> problems of SysV init?


> | 4-DEVFS is a horrible beast... Have odd hardware? Have odd drivers?
> | You gotta' edit the devfs config file... Blah... Please go back to
> | using a static /dev directory like Linus intended. :') It's one of the
> | FIRST things I remove from my Gentoo installs and it's soooo much
> | better.
> Yup, great idea. How exactly were you planning to handle iSCSI again?

How many people have problems with that?

> What about hotplugging devices? How do you propse to get around the
> shortage of device numbers?

Was never a problem under other distributions. Why under Gentoo? For most 
users, debvfs offers very little more than just another thing that could go 
wrong or need configuring. If anything, devfs ought to be offered as an 
option in the portage tree, not neccessarily as a default.

> You *do* know that the whole static major /
> minor stuff is going away in 2.7 / 2.8, right? It's too inflexible and
> totally incapable of handling modern systems (hotplugging, networked
> storage, lots of devices, that kind of thing).

Devfs is "going away" also. At least static devices under /dev is highly 
supported and sorted out.

> Instead, we'll all be using udev like Linus intends.

You're right... in like 2.7... maybe even 2.8 if it's not ironed out quicker.


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