On Sun, 2004-02-01 at 13:10, Bart Veldhuijzen wrote:
> Alex Nelson wrote:
> > Anyone else having problems with the new Nvidia-kernel 5336-r1 build? I 
> > synced this afternoon and when I go to build it, I get the following.
> > make[1]: *** No rule to make target `nvidia.o'.  Stop.
> > make: *** [nvidia.o] Error 2
> In the ebuild change
> make IGNORE_CC_MISMATCH="yes" KERNDIR="/usr/src/linux" \
>              clean nvidia.o || die
> to
> make IGNORE_CC_MISMATCH="yes" KERNDIR="/usr/src/linux" \
>              clean module || die
> don't know what that kernel_check is doing there, it's the nvidia-stuff 
> that's changed.
> Bart
> --

  For those of you running it are you by chance using 2.6 kernel?  Is it
any faster then 1.0.4496-r3?


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