On Tue, 2004-02-03 at 20:56, gabriel wrote:
> On February 03, 2004 08:51 pm, Nathaniel McCallum wrote:
> > We could however provide a total emerge progress bar based on package
> > size. Basically what this would do is get the size of the package and
> > generate a per package percentage based on the weight of the package
> > size. So if you have 5 packages and the total size of all the downloads
> > is 50 Megs, then 50 Megs would represent 100%. If you broke down the
> > packages like this:
> >
> > 1. 10 Megs - 20%
> > 2. 5 Megs - 10%
> > 3. 5 Megs - 10%
> > 4. 10 Megs - 20%
> > 5. 20 Megs - 40%
> >
> > Then after the first package was merged the progress bar would show 20%,
> > after the second - 30%, the third - 40%, the fourth - 60%, the fifth -
> > 100%.  While it is not that accurate (5 megs of rhythmbox would take
> > longer than 20 Megs of ximian-artwork, depending on the system), it
> > could be at least a general idea.  What do you think?
> i like it.  'course i have no idea how to make it work, but i like it.  maybe 
> submit it to bugs.gentoo.org?

I'm a dev, I'll see if I can get some other people on the idea...


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