On Friday 21 January 2005 04:18, Mike Noble wrote:
> fire-eyes wrote:
> | I'd set up a cronjob for ntpdate, every 49 minutes or something like
> | that. I'd strongly suspect your CMOS battery. As for fluxbox's time
> | showing different, I've no idea what that's all about.
> Don't really know much about flux, but does it have a timezone setting
> which is probably set to the wrong time zone.
> As for the time being off by by an hour after 30 minutes, really does
> sound like a MB battery issue.  I would start by replacing the battery
> in the MB.

I don't think this is good advice. Unless you manually read the hardware clock 
and write to the system clock using "hwclock", the system doesn't touch the 
hardware clock but once during bootup. 

I suspect messed up timezone settings. Could it be that the system and users 
are on different timezones? Do a "date" as root and as one or two different 
users and watch not only the time itself but also what it says about 


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