Mike Noble ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) scribbled:
> Nick Smith wrote:
> | On Fri, 2005-01-21 at 12:44 +0200, Uwe Thiem wrote:
> |
> |
> | [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ $ date
> | Fri Jan 21 16:43:56 EST 2005
> | [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ $ su
> | Password:
> | laptux nick # date
> | Fri Jan 21 16:44:01 EST 2005
> |
> | they are both in sync together, just both out of sync with the real
> | time, my flux clock says its 9:44,
> |
> | my localtime is linked to:
> | localtime -> /usr/share/zoneinfo/US/Eastern,
> |
> | and i doubt its a battery issue, cause i have 4 gentoo boxes going and
> | they all have different times, none correct, this is the only one i have
> | messed with ntp on, i want to make sure i can get it working before i do
> | it on the other machines.  what servers are people using in their
> | ntpd.conf? i have:
> |
> | server pool.ntp.org
> |
> | is there an EST server i should be using? what other settings should i
> | have in that file? i have:
> |
> | driftfile       /var/lib/ntp/ntp.drift
> | restrict default nomodify nopeer
> | restrict
> |
> | thanks for the help
> |
> |
> Here is my ntp.conf file:
> server ntp.ucsd.edu
> #server pool.ntp.org
> driftfile       /var/lib/ntp/ntp.drift
> restrict default nomodify nopeer
> restrict
> Since I live in San Diego it only makes sense for me to use
> ntp.ucsd.edu.
> As you probably already know, you need to have the daemon ntpd running
> so that it can sync with the time server.
> I do not believe that it really makes a difference what server you
> go to, they all give out the time as GMT.  It is better to find one
> near you, but you could use ntp.ucsd.edu to see if that helps.
> For the east coast you could use the following:
> ~ bonehed.lcs.mit.edu
> The web page for this server is:
> http://ntp.isc.org/bin/view/Servers/BonehedLcsMitEdu
> For a list of all ntp servers you can go to:
> http://www.ntp.org/
> click on the link: Public Time Server Lists

I live on the east coast and have used these servers for years without a


Never hurts to list more than one in your config file :)



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