On 4/24/05, Willie Wong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Did you follow the gentoo home router guide? I suggest you start
> over... with the line that says
>   iptables -F
> you have LOTS of duplicate rules in your chain, and some of them
> doesn't make sense: you don't want
>   ACCEPT   all -- anywhere    anywhere
> to be on the top of your INPUT chain, since that destroys the whole
> purpose of having an iptables.
> One helpful command is
>   iptables -D chain rulenum
> for example, in the case of the aforementioned ACCEPT policy in the
> INPUT chain, you do
>   iptables -D INPUT 1
> to remove the top most item. Keep in mind that the rules are
> renumbered everytime you make a change.
> I suspect, since you are doing routing, that you have multiple
> interfaces. In that case, it would make much more sense to post
>   iptables -L -v
> so we can see which interface the rules applies to.
I followed the gentoo howto home router guide. The result of iptables
-L was what I posted in ML. First of all I want to setup iptabel
rules, and after to learn in details the concept of iptables. Is there
any other how to manual I could use.
My environment is the same as in the gentoo's howto:
I have 2 LAN cards. eth0 - for LAN, eth1 - for ADSL modem.


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