Mark Knecht wrote:
>>The world file is a powerful concept in portage, if used correctly,.
>>Filling it up with a list of all installed packages completely negates
>>its usefulness.

This seems like a suitable point to ask something that has been bugging
me for a while.

Say I run emerge -pvD world, and ten packages pop out.

I look at the list and decide that I want to emerge all but one of the
things on the list.

How do I go about this without running an emerge command with nine
packages passed to emerge, and causing the world file pollution
described in this thread?

The only way I can think of is to find out which of the packages are
actually in the world file and emerge those only (excluding the one),
but that seems to me to be a lot of hassle.

One possibility would be for emerge -p to highlight whether or not the
packages listed are in the world file or not. That would make it much
easier. Another would be to add an 'except' function to so I could say
emerge world --except blah, which would block if I happen to be trying
to exclude a package that is really a dependency for one of the other
packages picked up by the emerge world.

Does anybody else know of a better way of doing it? I really can't think
of a suitable workaround right now.



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