Grant wrote:

>Out of curiosity, who here would say they have experienced any type of
>emotional discrimination because they use Gentoo?  I find this in
>correspondence with other Linux people sometimes.  Is Gentoo far
>enough "out there" to warrant this type of attitude?  It seems like
>these people are conservatives unwilling to roll with the changes to
>- Grant
I cant say I have, then again I tower over everyone at my college, so
few ever pass any negative comments my way.  I have had respect, as
gentoo is percieved as one of the harder distributions to use (actually
some rate it the hardest except linux from scratch) from the IT department.

There was that whole "Gentoo is for ricers" website which generally
mocked the gentoo community for their 'futile' quest to eck every last
ounce of CPU power from their machines. The gentoo community generally
had a sense of humour though, and i dont think the site is very
malicious itself.  Besides - whats wrong with optimising to get the most
power out of your machine? I call that efficiency.  ;)

I guess gentoo is "out there" in the way that its source based rather
then binary-package based (the sense of "who the hell would compile
their entire OS from source and wait hours for it" thing).

I also noticed that there is some animosity between the debian and
gentoo camps, anyone got any clue why? I generally dont discriminate
against others (providing they are using a Unix based OS =P ) ) .

Why? have you been descriminated against?

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