Mark Knecht wrote:
>    I'm experimenting with leaving a drive turned off in a MythTV
> frontend. I have laptop_mode turned on with whatever it has for
> default settings. I have vixie-cron turned off. Once an hour it seems
> that the drive still spins up for about 1 minute. How can I find
> what's causing that and at least make it more infrequent? I see
> nothing in /var/log/messages nor anything in dmesg. Is there somewhere
> else I should look?

Laptop mode prevents the drive spinning up when a process writes to the
disk. However, in its default configuration, it is configured to flush
the cached writes after a maximum of 600 seconds (MAX_AGE). On my
laptop, this means that the drive does spin up about every 10 minues.

Your could try enabling "block dumping" in the kernel:

echo 1 >/proc/sys/vm/block_dump

After that, the kernel will dump every block read and write to the
kernel log. This might allow you to identify which file is accessed and
which process causes the access.

Note that you better switch off any logger before doing that (or at
least log through the network), otherwise you'll see all the writes from
the logger itself...

-- Remy

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