On July 12, 2005 05:12 am, Ow Mun Heng wrote:
> Why doesn't mplayer let me compile with win32codecs? It doesn't pull
> down win32codec as a dependency and having that USE flag in the CLI as
> well as on make.conf doesn't make a difference.
> I still can't get "-win32codecs" to "+win32codecs"
> Comment?

lemme guess.  you're suing an amd64 profile?  if you use a pure-64bit system, 
you can't use 32bit binary windows codecs, so it's masked for your profile.  
i'm in the same boat as you.  as far as i know, the only options we have are 
(a) re-installing at 32bit, (b) waiting 'till the windows world catches up 
and starts releasing 64bit binary codecs or (c) writing our own decoders :-(

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