On 12:39 Wed 13 Jul     , Holly Bostick wrote:
> What does which profile it is have to do with the mask?
> /etc/portage/package.unmask unmasks hard-masked applications on the
> profile you are using-- the profile supercedes all later adjustment
> files, insofar as all later adjustment files (/etc/make.conf,
> /etc/portage/whatever) all refer to the profile defaults to know what to
> adjust.

1) This has nothing to do with masked packages, it's about masked use
2) packages can be masked by profile (as can use flags).

> Obviously -- or at least it seems obvious to me, but that doesn't say
> much-- that if the package is hard-masked, the USE flag that is
> associated with it will be disabled (because the package the USE flag
> would call is unavailable).

Maybe, but that's not the way portage works these things out


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