Stuart Howard schreef:
> thx for the response 
> I think we missed each other with the point though, currently my sound
> works just fine and I am happy with it as it is [ie. built in] I am
> not sure where the alsa driver in "world" came from unless it is a
> hangover from my initial genkernel instalation.

Well, there is a compromise solution:


I don't have a clue what I tried to install that wanted alsa-driver, but
I added

media-sound/alsa-driver-1.0.6a (don't actually have to have a version,
afaik, you can just put the package name)

to the above-mentioned file, and it never bothered me again.

Basically, you're telling Portage that you've "handled" this-- the
package is installed,  just not *by* Portage, so it should just trust
you. And of course you have installed the package-- when you compiled
the kernel, so it's not even like you're lying or anything.

The upside of this should be that you can uninstall the alsa-driver
package (if it is installed), or do an emerge (-p) --depclean to get rid
of it, or remove it from your world file, and no program that depends on
it should be disturbed (because you've informed Portage that the
equivalent data is available, and Portage trusts you :-) )-- and no
package that wants to depend on it in the future should try to install it.

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