On Sat, 2010-04-03 at 16:07 -0700, Mark Knecht wrote:
> The install is complete but it won't boot. grub finds the kernel
> and starts booting but then I get the typical VFS file sync error as
> the kernel starts looking for the install on /dev/md3. What I'm not
> understanding is how does the boot process get the information
> required to assemble the RAID device. 

GRUB does not assemble raid.  That's why it only works with RAID1.

By your own account, GRUB has succeeded, therefore GRUB is not the

The problem is the kernel

The kernel assembles RAID by looking for partitions of with the Linux
RAID partition type, finding out what kind of RAID they are, and
assembling them (according to their RAID volume UUID).

You apparently only have one RAID volume.  It's probably being assigned
to /dev/md0, yet you are passing root=/dev/md3.. not sure why you are
doing that.

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