On Sun, Apr 4, 2010 at 4:51 PM, Kerin Millar <kerfra...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 05/04/2010 00:12, Mark Knecht wrote:
>> 1) If you don't specify metadata then you get the newest - I think
>> that's currently ver. 1.2 or something.
> Interesting. I suppose that might be a change in mdadm-3.0 (a version which
> I have yet to use to create any new arrays). However, that would contradict
> the man page which still says:
> "0, 0.90, default"
>> 2) I tried 1.0 this morning (shown below) which didn't fix it.
> Right. Any version above in the 1 series (1, 1.0, 1.1, 1.2) will not work.
> I'm certain that reverting to the original format is going to resolve the
> issue and that we've just been barking up the wrong tree(s) hitherto.
> --Kerin

I'm emerging gentoo-sources in the chroot now.

One thing about this that still confuses me is where /dev/md3, or
whatever, comes from when I boot if the the mknod command is never
executed within the chrrot. (As per the install guide.) Not a big deal
to proceed and see what happens. Maybe the kernel just creates it
based on discovering the RAID? Or it makes it because I explicitly
define it at the command line?

As I say, no big deal to just push forward but that's still a question
for me at this point.


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