On 21 Sep 2010, at 18:37, Grant wrote:
>>>> I'm getting a lot of machine check exception errors in dmesg on my
>>>> hosted server.  Running mcelog I get:
>>>> ...
> They offered to take my machine down and do a memory test which they
> said would take a number of hours.  Is a memory test likely to help?
> Did you suggest reseating or replacing RAM modules as opposed to a
> memory test because it will result in less downtime?

I suspect that your hosting provider are offering you this memory test because 
they don't want to go swapping out memory modules willy-nilly.

How do they know that the problem is really memory, and not your operating 
If they take all this RAM out and put new RAM in, what do they do with the old 
RAM? They don't know if it's good or bad, so are they expected to just slap it 
in a server belonging to another customer, and stitch him up?

A memory test is likely to identify bad RAM, if it is bad, so you should 
proceed with this. This is likely the best route to solving the problem.

I think that ideally, for you, they would move the system image onto a 
different known-good server with the same configuration. Then you cannot 
complain if the same problems start occurring again. If the problem is 
genuinely hardware then they won't. And the hosting provider is free to run 
diagnostics on your old machine.

But realistically, the memory test is likely to show up a bad RAM module, 
you'll get it replaced and be up and running within a few hours. Why would you 
refuse? If your system needed a guaranteed uptime you'd perhaps have to pay for 
a higher level of service than the fees you're paying at present.


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