Tanstaafl wrote:
On 2011-05-16 7:38 AM, William Hubbs wrote:
On Mon, May 16, 2011 at 06:47:59AM -0400, Tanstaafl wrote:
On that note - I think I asked this a few months ago - I'm assuming I
could continue using the old baselayout for a while, if I wanted,
emerging updates (skipping the baselayout/OpenRC updates) for a while,
without any problems, right?
I would not recommend doing this. The plan is to support
openrc/baselayout-2 as gentoo's default init system and deprecate
baselayout-1, which will eventually lead to things breaking if you are
still using baselayout-1.
Well, sure, I'm not talking about delaying the update for very long,
weeks, maybe, but no more than a month or two at the most.

On my old rig, I updated it last night. On it, nothing else depended on openrc and baselayout. It had other updates and I wanted to do the openrc alone so I did emerge -1av openrc and that updated baselayout and installed openrc. I might add, the machine is remotely ran over ssh. The only time I touch it is to push the power switch to turn it on. The upgrade was easy enough. Most of the things in the guide are done during the install and can be skipped. It would be safer to check them all tho. When I finished, I just typed in reboot & exit and a couple minutes later, I logged back in. No problems at all.

If you want to hold off on the updates, just add the packages to package.mask and it will skip them so that you can still use world and system without pulling them in.

As was already stated, I wouldn't wait to long. It will most likely start to breaking things pretty soon.


:-)  :-)

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