On 16/5/2011, at 11:47am, Tanstaafl wrote:
> ...
> On that note - I think I asked this a few months ago - I'm assuming I
> could continue using the old baselayout for a while, if I wanted,
> emerging updates (skipping the baselayout/OpenRC updates) for a while,
> without any problems, right?

I don't believe you can do this safely, as I don't believe that the 
runtime-depends of all other ebuilds distinguish properly between the old 
baselayout and OpenRC / baselayout2.

There were some comments here the other week about checking for libraries & 
programs which has been updated / recompiled, but for which the old versions 
were still in use. The programs `lib_users` and `checkrestart` were mentioned, 
and sure enough the latter indicated some init.d scripts; however some of these 
failed to restart, complaining "I'm written for the new baselayout, not this 
old crap!".

I run a mostly "stable" x86 system, with a handful of ~x86 packages unmasked by 
hand, so I can't say this isn't to blame. I personally think the cause is that 
I synced and updated a handful of packages just as or before the migration 
warning appeared, and that these were stabilised in preparation for the other. 
Whatever - I think Portage should be clever enough to say "hang on, this init.d 
script doesn't match the baselayout verstion - let's not emerge this!", but it 
doesn't seem to be.


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