On Wed, 2005-08-10 at 13:51 +0100, Neil Bothwick wrote:
> On Wed, 10 Aug 2005 14:13:30 +0200, Holly Bostick wrote:
> > > Sharing our private information (i.e. our own browsing
> > > trends) for profit without our consent is evidently not on
> > 
> > This carries the assumption that "our own browsing trends" is, in fact,
> > "private information", which I do not necessarily agree with.
> It also assumes that Mozilla are making a profit from this. Being
> non-profit doesn't preclude any sort of income to cover costs. Gentoo is
> non-profit but sells CDs, mugs and t-shirts, as well as accepting
> donations.

The website http://www.scroogle.org/gscrape.html#ffox was saying that
sure, their (mozilla's) 2003 revenue of 2.3 million seems reasonable,
but their reported (from insider information) 2004 revenue of $30
million was not acceptable.

While I don't agree with everything they have to say, I think if there
is an evil one out of google and firefox, its google.  Like someone else
said, if firefox wants to accept money to maintain the status quo, then
so what?

If the mozilla foundation really is "restructuring by spinning off the
Mozilla Corporation, a for-profit subsidiary" then time will tell.  They
can't delay "Form 990" for ever.

The reason google is so good is because it takes lots of measures to try
and get the best search results, and its inevitable that this will
include information about my searching habits to better tailor results
to me?  If I don't like it, I can use another engine.

Just some thoughts!
Iain Buchanan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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