Holly Bostick schreef:
> Matt Randolph schreef:
>>What if they had binoculars and a camera?  
> Same with a camera, but if
> for some reason somebody was standing right in front of my window taking
> pictures of the interior of my house, I would do the same (confront them
> and ask why), then likely demand the film before telling them to move
> along. I might even be induced to replace the unexposed film at my own
> cost, depending on the situation.

What's funny is that this reveals that I carry a vestige of the
superstitious belief that taking a picture steals some or all of your soul.

Otherwise, why would it matter if a stranger had a picture of me? Even
if they were getting paid for publishing said photo, I would hope that
my greed wouldn't come into play (you get paid, so I should get some of
the money for it). Yes, naturally, the photo *could* be used for
criminal purposes (put up on a dating or porn site), which I would
object to, but 1) most people are not criminals and 2) taking the
photograph is not in and of itself a crime (photosouping it onto a naked
body and posting it on a porn site is the crime).

But I must admit that it gives me a chill to think of a stranger taking
photos of me as in the example -- she said, looking at her two photo
postcards, one of a young girl, one of an elder man and woman. I wonder
how they feel about having their pictures on my wall?

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