> -----Original Message-----
> From: Holly Bostick [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: 11 August 2005 01:32
> To: gentoo-user@lists.gentoo.org
> Subject: Re: [gentoo-user] [OT] Mozilla & Google behind the 
> scenes payola
> And if my theory holds water in any way, then the Mozilla Foundation
> really would have had no choice but to spin off a for-profit
> subsidiary... after all, if the money is rolling in (via perfectly
> legitimate and socially acceptable means), it has to go somewhere, and
> it can't go to the N-F-P foundation beyond a certain level.

An accountant could probably advise better, but I would think that there
are appropriate vehicles (e.g. NfP trusts) which would allow financial
profits that cannot be expensed in activities supporting the Moz
Organisation objectives within the financial year, to be stored and in
turn invested thereafter both in for profit and not schemes so that they
may grow and prosper.  Making an economic profit is not a problem in
itself.  Compromising Moz.Org./OSS objectives in seeking to derive this
profit creates a conflict of interest and therefore it becomes a
problem.  Of course this may not be the case with the FF/Google
syndication, I don't really know.

Perhaps what we have here is a strategic failure; i.e. Moz could not
come up with valid ideas to promptly expense the profit in support of
the development of FF and other products and therefore were forced to
Holly, you mention that you have a zillion search engines incorporated
in your browser . . . 8O
Where do you get them from?  How can these be added to a browser?

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