I'm baaaaaacccckkkkkk. Anybody want to guess why? Come on, guess. First one doesn't count.

OK. This thing ran for a while with no problems. I'm downloading a video while I am watching TV. I use Firefox for that because it has that download helper tool and I like it. I couldn't find it for Seamonkey. Anyway, I'm watching TV when I here my puter beep like it does when it is booting up the BIOS. I look over and sure enough, it was rebooting. This is what I am using at the moment:

root@fireball / # equery list *xorg* firefox nvidia*
 * Searching for *xorg* ...
[IP-] [  ] x11-base/xorg-drivers-1.10:0
[IP-] [  ] x11-base/xorg-server-1.10.3:0

 * Searching for firefox ...
[IP-] [  ] www-client/firefox-3.6.17:0

 * Searching for nvidia* ...
[IP-] [  ] media-video/nvidia-settings-260.19.29:0
[IP-] [  ] x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers-275.09.07:0
root@fireball / #

There was a bump in xorg-server so I let it upgrade. I also noticed the nvidia and updated it as well. I don't recall seeing that the last time I looked. Anyway, Could this be xorg, Nvidia, Firefox or something else or a combination of a couple of them? I'm on the latest of everything that is in the tree. I'm thinking about going back to the older xorg, just to test.

While I am at it, it ran fine before I let it upgrade xorg. Maybe I didn't let it run long enough or something but it never crashed on me.

Any more thoughts on this mess?


:-)  :-)

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