Neil Bothwick wrote:
On Thu, 14 Jul 2011 00:31:00 -0500, Dale wrote:

   * Searching for nvidia* ...
[IP-] [  ] media-video/nvidia-settings-260.19.29:0
[IP-] [  ] x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers-275.09.07:0
root@fireball / #
I'm on the latest of everything that is in the tree.
No you're not. You are mixing ~amd64 drivers and amd64 settings. It is
unlikely to be the cause of your crashes, but you've tried all the likely

I agree. I don't think it is the settings one either but guess what, I'm going to try them too. I did nvidia for the drivers but never checked the settings part. Thanks for pointing that out.

I'm going to beat this dead horse a little more.  BRB


:-)  :-)

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