On 2011-07-20, Alan McKinnon <alan.mckin...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wednesday 20 July 2011 14:16:06 Grant Edwards did opine thusly:
>> On 2011-07-20, Mick <michaelkintz...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > Every time after you emerge xorg you're meant to remerge its
>> > drivers (evdev being one of them).  Usually there is some elog
>> > message telling you to run
>> > 
>> > qfile to find what is need to be reinstalled:
>> >   qlist -I -C x11-drivers/
>> I've always wondered why, if portage knows that has to be done,
>> can't portage just go ahead and do it?
> Actually not. Portage doesn't know it has to be done, the ebuild dev 
> knows and stuck a literal message in one of the post_() functions.

Ah, I see.

> To do what you mention, the driver would have to depend on xorg, but 
> in fact xorg-server depends on the xorg-drivers meta package, which
> in turn depends on the drivers defined in USE.

To paraphrase...

The data structures and algorithms used to represent dependancies by
portage can't deal with two packages that depend on each-other. That
is the case with xorg and xorg-drivers, so the dependencies in one
direction are ignore by Portage itself (but not by the devs who have
put the message in the ebuild) and have to be handled out-of-band as
special cases.

Fair enough.  If this is something peculiar to Xorg (it seems there
are a lot of things that are) and doesn't crop up in other places,
it's probably not worth trying to make Portage handle it.

Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! Does someone from
                                  at               PEORIA have a SHORTER
                              gmail.com            ATTENTION span than me?

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