Michael Schreckenbauer wrote:

On Monday, 12. September 2011 10:40:02 Nicolas Sebrecht wrote:

So, what's the good way to fix all that mess? Certainly not moving most
of software to /. Fortunately, we can expect /usr to be mounted before
udev starts via the initramfs.
That's *your* opinion. Most people on this list disagree.

It does NOT mean everybody will require a initramfs. It means people
WANTING a seperate /usr will need a initramfs.
The good thing is that a lot of tools now in / will be granted back to
/usr. Let's clean up /. Also, it's a _good_ news for admins expecting to
maintain systems with a shared /usr (e.g. over the network).
Since when is a mandatory initramfs a good thing for admins?
Care to explain?


Couldn't agree more.


:-)  :-)

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