>> http://lmgtfy.com/?q=build+your+own+live+cd+gentoo
>Not so useful, thanks. Google fails me regularly. Personalized
>searches are getting to be a real sore spot for me; not just mine, but
>those of people pointing me at Google assuming my searches for the
>same keywords will get the same results. Particular grating is when
>someone sends me a link to a search, then the link to what I was
>looking for, and says something like "first hit". My first *page*
>didn't even have that link on it.

well... i didn't know if it was ok to post links to unofficial gentoo
resources on this list which is why i went with the search. 
i also meant to point out that what you are looking for is fairly
common knowledge and that you can easily find all the information you
need with a simple search query. and i assumed that you would be
capable to find the one search result that does describe all you need
to know in the first 5 hits. i even checked that it is in there in
different google TLDs and with different hl= options.

>> alternatively you could use catalyst:
>> http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/releng/catalyst/
>> or you just mount the iso, modify it, run mkisofs on it and burn it.
>> the mkisofs options you are looking for are -b and -c.
>I knew there was going to be something I wasn't going to know, and it
>looks like the values passed to -b and -c are it.

again, the hint you maybe didn't get was: you will have to do some of
the work yourself. 

>I don't want to build a CD from scratch (and doing so looks like it
>would require setting up a fully "generic" box to build). I just want 
>to add two files to an existing ISO.
>How would I extract boot_catalog and eltorito_boot_image from an
>existing ISO?

you can actually omit -c i think. use isolinux.bin (should be on the
livecd) as boot image.

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